Canvas X Geo

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Canvas X Geo is a data illustration software for geospatial data. With a powerful graphic toolset, users can view GIS data visualizations down to granular details and measure and position objects with extreme precision. Canvas X Geo can display and filter in over 70+ geospatial data formats and import documents with over one million objects in high resolution to create rich visualizations.

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Canvas X Geo a1a53df5-296e-419d-8e15-f0b0fd268132.png Canvas X Geo aea34dca-8e16-45a5-b97b-d0832d46ee44.png Canvas X Geo 16eb86be-2e94-4de1-ab53-9ca374eb032d.png Canvas X Geo e8d4c6f0-bc96-4d59-abcf-dea15f2ee88f.png
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