
Not Claimed

A smart SQL editor and advanced database client for professional developers, with a range of database tools running on the IntelliJ Platform.
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  • Intuitive UI

    Easy to use interface for managing databases

  • Cross-platform compatibility

    Works on Windows, macOS, and Linux

  • Advanced code analysis

    Provides code completion, error highlighting, and quick-fixes

  • Expensive

    Higher price point compared to other database management tools

  • Limited database support

    Does not support all types of databases

  • Steep learning curve

    May take time to learn all the features and functionality

  • Increasing demand for database management tools
  • Potential for integration with other popular IDEs
  • Opportunity to add support for more types of databases
  • Other tools may offer similar features at a lower price point
  • Potential decrease in demand for desktop-based database management tools
  • Increased focus on data privacy and security may impact demand for database management tools

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DataGrip Plan

DataGrip offers a perpetual license with annual updates starting at $199 for the individual version and $399 for the commercial version.
Businesses and organizations $ 199 $ 159 /2nd year
$ 119 /3rd yr onwards Or pay monthly $ 19.90 /month 1st year All Products Pack available from $ 649 /1st year
Individual customers $ 89 $ 71 /2nd year
$ 53 /3rd yr onwards Or pay monthly $ 8.90 /month 1st year All Products Pack available from $ 249 /1st year
Discounted and complimentary licenses $ 50 25% for competitive tools users
25% student graduation discount FREE for Open Source projects FREE for students and teachers FREE for education and training
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