Frankly Express Video

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Frankly Media
HQ Location
Atlanta, Georgia
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Easy-to-use

    User-friendly interface

  • Customizable

    Ability to brand videos with company logo and colors

  • Mobile-friendly

    Videos can be viewed on any device

  • Limited features

    Lacks advanced editing tools

  • Limited integrations

    Does not integrate with all marketing automation platforms

  • Limited storage

    Limited amount of video storage available

  • Increased demand for video marketing
  • Potential to add new features and integrations
  • Opportunity to expand into new markets
  • Competition from other video marketing software providers
  • Rapidly changing technology may make current features obsolete
  • Economic downturn may reduce demand for video marketing

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Frankly Express Video Plan

Frankly Express Video offers a subscription-based pricing model with three tiers: Basic ($15/month), Pro ($25/month), and Premium ($50/month), each with increasing features and capabilities.
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