Fullview HMS

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FullviewHMS is a complete hotel management software for your hotel's overall growth.It is designed to increase occupancy and reduce admin load. If your hotel's occupancy is not 80% throughout the year then you don't have the right sales tools. FullviewHMS has integrated channel manager and analysis tool to get your hotel sold out. Hidden losses such as theft and uncharged bills bring down your profits. FullviewHMS gives you a 100% control over bills and payment tracking. Control room rates and stay booked throughout the year with FullviewHMS. Attract guests from local and global OTAs. Guest feedback depends on the quality of services. FullviewHMS provides you with a quick and easy system to serve your guests professionally. With many external agencies, it is difficult to control marketing and pricing. FullviewHMS provides you easy to read reports and tools to implement a common marketing strategy across all OTAs. Managing different software can be confusing for the staff. FullviewHMS is an integrated system that will enable staff to perform more efficiently.
StarApps Software Private Limited
Suitable for enterprise

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