
Not Claimed

FusionSIP is a popular and reliable way for businesses to connect their IP-enabled PBX to the public telephone system through their broadband connection, saving money compared to traditional phone services. They manage their voice-optimized network closely to ensure optimal performance, reliability, availability, security, and quality of service.
Fusion Connect
HQ Location
Atlanta, GA
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Reliability

    High uptime and minimal downtime

  • Scalability

    Ability to handle large volumes of calls and users

  • Flexibility

    Customizable features and integrations

  • Limited Features

    Lacks some advanced features compared to competitors

  • Pricing

    Relatively expensive compared to other SIP providers

  • Complexity

    May require technical expertise to set up and configure

  • Increasing demand for cloud-based communication solutions
  • Opportunities to partner with other SaaS providers for integrations
  • Potential to expand into new global markets
  • Intense competition from other SIP providers
  • Potential changes in regulations and compliance requirements
  • Risks of security breaches and data theft

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FusionSIP Plan

FusionSIP offers three pricing plans starting at $19.99/month with varying features including unlimited calling, virtual fax, and video conferencing.
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