graphomate trees for Lumira Designer

Not Claimed

The software has a tree component that allows for easy visualization of hierarchies, which can be used for reporting and navigation.
graphomate GmbH
HQ Location
Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein
  • Easy to use

    Intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality

  • Customizable

    Ability to create unique visualizations and tailor to specific needs

  • Seamless integration

    Works seamlessly with Lumira Designer and other SAP products

  • Limited compatibility

    Only works with Lumira Designer, limiting potential user base

  • Price

    Relatively expensive compared to other visualization tools

  • Learning curve

    May require some training to fully utilize all features

  • Increasing demand for data visualization tools in the market
  • Potential to expand features and capabilities to attract more users
  • Opportunity to form partnerships with other software companies to increase visibility and reach
  • Competing with other established data visualization tools in the market
  • Potential decrease in demand due to economic downturn or recession
  • Rapidly evolving technology may make current features and capabilities obsolete

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graphomate trees for Lumira Designer Plan

Graphomate trees for Lumira Designer offer flexible pricing options with features varying by version, starting at $1,490.
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