IoTA (IoT Analyzer)

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Collect, analyze and utilize IoT data efficiently. From any source. For any use case. IoTA (Internet of Things Analyzer) is a software solution that gives insurers more control over their policyholders' behavioral data. As usage-based insurance (UBI) grows in popularity, consumers want more control over their own risks and use new technology to share their behaviors with their insurers. IoTA allows insurers to fully engage with transformative technologies and bundle existing insurance products with IoT by tailoring scoring models to their individual policyholders, making the calculation of their scores completely transparent. Harnessing new and existing hardware to gather behavioral data from policyholders, lets insurers paint accurate pictures of the policyholders day-to-day lives. It also lets insurers offer their policyholders products that match their risk profiles. IoTA puts the insurer in control, allowing actuaries and underwriters to to develop, test and implement their own custom scoring models
Msg global solutions AG

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