K12 Asset Pro

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K12 Asset Pro is a software designed for K-12 schools to track, manage, and report on their assets, including technology devices. It allows for device check-out to students and staff, bulk upload/edit, custom reporting, and other features.
Divot Assets
  • User-friendly interface

    Easy to navigate and use

  • Customizable reporting

    Allows for tailored reports to fit specific needs

  • Comprehensive asset tracking

    Tracks all assets, including location and maintenance history

  • Limited integrations

    May not integrate with all necessary software

  • Limited mobile app functionality

    Mobile app may not have all features of desktop version

  • Limited customer support

    May not have 24/7 support or quick response times

  • Could expand into other industries beyond K12 education
  • Could increase value by integrating with more commonly used software
  • Could add features such as predictive maintenance or asset forecasting
  • May struggle to compete with larger, more established asset tracking software companies
  • Could lead to decreased funding for K12 education and decreased demand for the product
  • Could face backlash if there are data breaches or security issues

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K12 Asset Pro Plan

K12 Asset Pro offers a tiered pricing strategy with three versions, ranging from $5 to $15 per user per month, with increasing features.
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