
Not Claimed

Kickstarter is a platform that supports artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, and other creators in bringing their ideas to life.
HQ Location
Brooklyn, New York
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Crowdfunding

    Allows individuals to raise funds for their creative projects

  • Community

    Provides a platform for creators to connect with their audience and build a following

  • Low Risk

    Creators can test the market and gauge interest before investing significant time and money

  • No Guarantee

    There is no guarantee that a project will be fully funded or successful

  • Fees

    Kickstarter charges a fee for successful campaigns, which can cut into the funds raised

  • Limited Time

    Campaigns have a set time limit, which can create pressure for creators to meet their funding goals quickly

  • Creators can reach new audiences and markets through Kickstarter's global platform
  • Kickstarter has the potential to drive innovation and support new ideas and products
  • Successful campaigns can generate significant media attention and exposure for creators
  • There are many other crowdfunding platforms that offer similar services and may attract creators and backers
  • There is a risk of fraudulent campaigns or misuse of funds, which can damage Kickstarter's reputation
  • Regulatory changes or legal issues could impact Kickstarter's ability to operate or the viability of crowdfunding as a whole

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Kickstarter Plan

Kickstarter charges a 5% fee on successfully funded projects, with no upfront costs or fees for creators.
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