Microsoft SQL Server

Not Claimed

SQL Server 2017 is a software that allows developers to build intelligent applications using their preferred language and environment. It is available on Windows, Linux, and Docker containers. It offers industry-leading performance, innovative security features, AI built-in, and mobile BI.
HQ Location
Redmond, WA
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Reliability

    Highly reliable and stable database management system

  • Scalability

    Can handle large amounts of data and scale up as needed

  • Security

    Provides robust security features to protect data

  • Cost

    Can be expensive for small businesses or startups

  • Complexity

    Can be difficult to set up and manage for non-technical users

  • Vendor lock-in

    Can be difficult to switch to a different database system once heavily invested in SQL Server

  • Opportunity to migrate to cloud-based SQL Server for increased flexibility and cost savings
  • Opportunity to integrate with other Microsoft products for a seamless user experience
  • Opportunity to leverage SQL Server's AI and machine learning capabilities for advanced data analysis
  • Threat of losing market share to open-source database systems like MySQL or PostgreSQL
  • Threat of losing customers to cloud-based database systems like Amazon RDS or Google Cloud SQL
  • Threat of increased regulations and compliance requirements for data privacy and security

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Review Distribution

  • 👍
    High - rated users

    No information provided for high-rated segment.

  • 🤔
    Average - rated users

    Users appreciate the practical use and versatility of Microsoft SQL Server for managing databases and migrating to other platforms. However, the interface and work area can be difficult to navigate and the workspace for adding data is too small.

  • 👎
    Low - rated users

    Users appreciate that Microsoft SQL Server is a Relational DBMS that can retrieve large amounts of data and supports multiple languages. However, the interface is complex and does not grant full control of databases to users. It has solved RDBMS data storage problems for some users and provided a secure environment for internal apps.


Microsoft SQL Server b04984b1-1fa8-4b2b-9079-45cb4ba64235.png Microsoft SQL Server bd081456-c907-4a13-9a85-160455e5a362.png Microsoft SQL Server 1459e2a8-2fc4-431e-bd56-b03206a98ca0.png Microsoft SQL Server 6e7464b3-3f6b-4b3b-a814-b14d469a6f8a.png

Microsoft SQL Server Plan

Microsoft SQL Server offers various editions with different pricing models, including a free version, Express, and enterprise-level editions with advanced features.
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