Peekapak SEL

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Peekapak is an award winning social emotional learning online platform and curriculum that helps students from PK to grade 8 learn, practice, and internalize social-emotional learning (SEL) competencies through stories, lessons, and digital games. Developed by experts from Harvard University, the University of Toronto, George Brown College, and the Erikson Institute, studies have shown that the use of Peekapak is associated with both enhanced social-emotional behavior, awareness, and better academic performance. Adjustable for in-person, virtual and hybrid formats, Peekapak's lessons focus on strategies that teach students how to understand their emotions and cope with anxious feelings. Peekapak allows educators to monitor students' progress using an analytics tool embedded within the curriculum. This tool is critical in a post-pandemic world, notifying school leaders about concerning student mood patterns reported on a digital check-in tool. Peekapak includes a student game world for PK-5, myPeekaville, to empower students and offer differentiated learning through activities and games designed to track progress on SEL indicators. This data can be used by teachers to tailor teachings to each student’s individual needs, to strengthen student learning. Peekapak’s learning experience for 6-8 brings an interactive digital interface that teaches students SEL skills such as identity formation and belonging, emotional regulation, social awareness, restorative justice, and conflict resolution and provides a platform for students to create their own reflections. Notable results from studies conducted with Peekapak include significantly higher scores on the PARCC ELA assessments, improvements in students’ social-emotional behavior and utilization of techniques and vocabulary taught in Peekapak.

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