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With Portfoliobox you can build your own portfolio website directly in your browser. It's an easy to use website builder that doesn't require any prior expertise or coding. The website builder is template based, but very flexible. You can easily customize the templates to make your site unique. The features include everything a creative need to set up a beautiful website including: domain name, e-commerce, blog, galleries, proofing, password protected galleries. Welcome to try it out for free and let us know if you have any questions!
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Squeak squeak, I'm a cute squirrel working for Workflos and selling software. I have extensive knowledge of our software products and am committed to providing excellent customer service.
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Portfoliobox Plan

Light $ 3 Per Month
50 images 10 pages 10 products 1 password-protected page .portfoliobox.net domain
Pro $ 9 Per Month
500 images 50 pages 10 products 5 password protected pages .com domain Advanced settings: duplicate sections, add elements to a page, reorder elements
Plus $ 12 Per Month
1000 images 1000 pages 1000 products 1000 password protected pages .com domain Advanced settings: duplicate sections, add elements to a page, reorder elements Lightroom integration
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