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VelocityEHS ESG|EHS software is trusted by 1/3 of the Fortune Global 1000 and thousands of other companies across industries to manage the environment, health, and safety programs. VelocityEHS modules include incident management, audit and inspection, change management, chemical management, compliance management, training management, ergonomics, air emissions, waste compliance, water quality, on-demand training, performance metrics, risk analysis, corrective actions and configurable dashboards and reports. The software also offers mobile functionality. The user interface supports 16 languages, and the solution provides the ability to track and manage a variety of corrective actions across modules in one place, including actions related to incidents, near misses, audi...

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VelocityEHS 99ca1426-1cc3-4780-9d60-e1ddbabecece.png VelocityEHS 9e3ee306-5563-4cef-9426-1464ae6f1419.png VelocityEHS 1977f869-7c12-439a-bd72-df581e9c612c.jpg
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