
Not Claimed

Verenia is a SaaS solution designed for manufacturers to optimize sales and configuration of their products, with unique capabilities to increase efficiency and accuracy in quoting complex, configurable, discrete products.
HQ Location
Lisle, IL
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Customizable

    Verenia offers a highly customizable platform to meet the unique needs of each business.

  • Integration

    Verenia integrates with popular CRM and ERP systems, making it easy to incorporate into existing workflows.

  • Automation

    Verenia automates many sales processes, reducing the need for manual data entry and increasing efficiency.

  • Complexity

    Verenia's high level of customization can make it complex to set up and use.

  • Cost

    Verenia's pricing may be too high for small businesses or those on a tight budget.

  • Learning Curve

    Verenia's advanced features may require a significant learning curve for users who are not familiar with the platform.

  • The growing trend towards e-commerce and online sales presents a significant opportunity for Verenia to expand its customer base.
  • Verenia can continue to add new features and integrations to stay ahead of competitors and meet evolving customer needs.
  • Verenia can form partnerships with other software providers to expand its offerings and reach new customers.
  • Verenia faces competition from other sales automation and CPQ software providers.
  • A recession or economic downturn could lead to decreased demand for Verenia's services.
  • Verenia must ensure the security of customer data to maintain trust and avoid potential breaches or data loss.

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Verenia Plan

Verenia offers a subscription-based pricing model with three versions, Basic, Pro, and Enterprise, with increasing features and pricing.
Starts At $ 89 Minimum 10
Dynamic Quoting with Pricing, Proposals & Workflows Unlimited Quotes Guided Selling Error Proofing Internal Users Only
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