VirusScan for Amazon S3

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widdix GmbH
HQ Location
Lichtenwald, Baden-Wurttemberg
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Efficient

    Quickly scans and detects viruses in Amazon S3

  • Secure

    Provides high-level security for Amazon S3 data

  • Easy to use

    Simple and user-friendly interface

  • Limited features

    Does not offer advanced features like malware removal

  • Expensive

    Pricing may be high for small businesses

  • Requires setup

    Needs to be set up and configured before use

  • Increasing demand for cloud security solutions
  • Potential to integrate with other cloud security tools
  • Opportunity to offer customized solutions for specific industries
  • Competitors offering similar cloud security solutions
  • Potential for data breaches and loss of customer trust
  • Changes in data privacy regulations may affect demand for cloud security solutions

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VirusScan for Amazon S3 Plan

VirusScan for Amazon S3 offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model starting at $0.001 per object scanned with no additional version features.
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