
Not Claimed

image4io is a SaaS platform that offers tools for optimizing web-based images, including performance, security, personalization, and storage management. It can help decrease website bounce rates and increase conversion rates by speeding up website loading times.
4AI Information Technologies Inc.
Collaboration & Productivity、Content Management
Suitable for enterprise
HQ Location
  • Fast image delivery

    Images are delivered quickly due to the use of a global content delivery network.

  • Easy integration

    Integration with websites and applications is simple and straightforward.

  • Affordable pricing

    Pricing is competitive and affordable for businesses of all sizes.

  • Limited features

    Some features that are available with other image management solutions are not available with image4io.

  • Limited storage options

    Storage options are limited compared to other image management solutions.

  • Limited support options

    Support options are limited to email and chat, with no phone support available.

  • There is an opportunity for image4io to expand into new markets and reach new customers.
  • There is an opportunity for image4io to develop new features and improve its offering.
  • There is an opportunity for image4io to form partnerships with other companies to expand its reach and offerings.
  • There is a threat from established players in the image management space who have more resources and a larger customer base.
  • An economic downturn could lead to decreased demand for image management solutions.
  • A security breach could lead to loss of customer trust and damage to the image4io brand.

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image4io dcc2f4ad-5767-42ec-8072-927614cc5d14.png image4io 09f6b8b0-f301-4782-bf9d-bf1ad3cf83b0.png image4io image4io-screenshot-2.png

image4io Plan

image4io offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model with three versions, starting at $5/month, and additional charges for storage and bandwidth usage.
Start-up $ Free
You have 25 credits. (Credits are way to measure and represent the usage. 1 Credit is equal to 1 GB of CDN usage, 1GB of storage or 1000 image transformations) Full Access With API Plugins & Libraries Management Console & Media Library Image Manipulation & Optimization Smart Optimization Powerful Dashboard & Online Reports Support - knowledge base, forum
Scale-up $ 40 Billed Monthly
You have 300 credits.(Credits are way to measure and represent the usage. 1 Credit is equal to 1 GB of CDN usage, 1GB of storage or 1000 image transformations) All Start-up Pack Features SEO Tools Support - tickets
Business $ 100 Billed Monthly
You have 1000 credits.(Credits are way to measure and represent the usage. 1 Credit is equal to 1 GB of CDN usage, 1GB of storage or 1000 image transformations) All Scale-up Pack Features Signed Url Use Own Storage as Origin CDN SLA - %99.9
Custom $ Flexible
Our pricing scales to any usage volume All Business Pack Features CNAME Support Free SSL for CNAME DDOS Protection Monthly Performance Report CDN Access Logs Transformation Access Logs Dedicated Image Process Servers Support - phone
PAY-AS-YOU-GO $ Free Trial 1 Credits Month
NA Billed monthly 1 credit free every month
Life time deal $ 129 300 Credits Life time
NA Build once 300 credits
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