Culture Cloud by O.C. Tanner

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O.C. Tanner's Culture Cloud is an employee recognition platform for enterprise and global workforces that helps companies create large-scale programs for personal employee recognition experiences. It offers a customizable platform, plug-ins for everyday apps, social wall, nominations, approvals, presentation tools, broadcastable success, educational tools, rewards, admin tools, and HRIS API connections. It is trusted by thousands of enterprises, including 30 on the Fortune Best Companies To Work For list.
O.C. Tanner
HQ Location
Salt Lake City, UT
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Recognition

    Provides a platform for employee recognition and rewards

  • Engagement

    Improves employee engagement through social recognition and feedback

  • Customization

    Allows for customization of recognition programs to fit company culture

  • Pricing

    May be expensive for small businesses or startups

  • Integration

    May not integrate well with existing HR systems

  • Training

    May require additional training for employees to effectively use the platform

  • Opportunity to expand into international markets
  • Opportunity to form partnerships with other HR software providers
  • Opportunity to improve analytics and reporting capabilities
  • Threat of competition from other employee recognition and engagement software providers
  • Threat of economic downturn affecting demand for employee recognition and engagement software
  • Threat of data breaches and security issues affecting customer trust

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Culture Cloud by O.C. Tanner Plan

Culture Cloud by O.C. Tanner offers a subscription-based pricing model with three versions, starting at $10,000 per year.
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