Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection For Email

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Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection (TAP) is a SaaS solution that helps organizations detect, mitigate, and respond to advanced threats that target people and VIPs through email. It provides effective protection against targeted attacks that use polymorphic malware, weaponized documents, and credential-stealing phishing techniques. TAP seamlessly integrates with Proofpoint Email Protection to deliver best-in-class email security that is cost-effective and easy to use. TAP leverages the cloud to scale deployment, adapt analysis, and protect people on any network or device. With TAP, users can provide sophisticated analysis to prevent threats from getting to a user's inbox, detect known and unknown threats using adaptable analysis capabilities, provide security teams detailed analysis and visibility about threats and threat campaigns, and provide visibility into threats targeting the Very Attacked People (VAP) in an organization.
HQ Location
Sunnyvale, CA
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Advanced threat detection

    Uses machine learning and behavioral analysis to detect and block targeted attacks

  • Real-time protection

    Provides immediate protection against new and emerging threats

  • Easy integration

    Integrates easily with existing email systems and workflows

  • Limited scope

    Only protects against email-based attacks, not other attack vectors

  • Cost

    Can be expensive for small businesses or organizations with limited budgets

  • False positives

    May generate false positives, requiring additional time and resources to investigate

  • Increasing demand for email security solutions due to rising cyber threats
  • Opportunity to expand product offerings to include protection against other attack vectors
  • Opportunity to form partnerships with other security vendors to offer comprehensive solutions
  • Competing products from established vendors and startups may erode market share
  • Changes in data privacy and security regulations may impact product compliance and adoption
  • Emerging technologies such as AI and blockchain may disrupt the email security market

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Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection For Email Plan

Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection For Email offers multiple pricing plans starting at $2 per user per month with advanced threat protection features.
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