
Not Claimed

Asana is ranked #1 in the G2 Grid for Project Management and Work Management due to its ability to help teams orchestrate their work, from daily tasks to strategic initiatives. Asana is focused on scalability and reliability, with more than 114,000 paying organizations and millions across 190 countries relying on it to manage various tasks. Asana offers a free trial to get started quickly.
HQ Location
San Francisco, CA
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Collaboration

    Allows teams to collaborate and manage tasks in one place

  • Customization

    Offers a high degree of customization for task management and workflows

  • Integrations

    Integrates with a wide range of other tools and platforms

  • Pricing

    Pricing can be expensive for larger teams or organizations

  • Learning Curve

    May have a steep learning curve for some users

  • Limited Features

    Some users may find the feature set to be limited compared to other tools

  • As remote work becomes more common, demand for collaboration tools like Asana is likely to increase
  • Continued development of new features and integrations could attract new users
  • Potential partnerships with other SaaS providers could expand Asana's reach and capabilities
  • Asana faces competition from a wide range of other collaboration and task management tools
  • Security breaches or data leaks could damage Asana's reputation and user trust
  • An economic downturn could lead to decreased demand for collaboration tools like Asana

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Review Distribution

  • 👍
    High - rated users

    It's quite easy to use and it has helped me a lot to keep track of my daily tasks. I find it very satisfying to complete the tasks right after i finish them. It is also handy for the management team to review everyone's tasks and how they're doing at the end of the day. It has already got essential features for task management even in free version.I hope it could provide more features like insights and trends in free version. But it is still okay to see the general insights of your work.

  • 🤔
    Average - rated users

    It has the ability to create subtasks for each task and rank what is most important vs least important.I wish I was able to assign a task to more than one person for projects I'm working on with someone else. One person having all of the credit for a completed task is a little biased, and all the responsibility falls to the assignee rather than who is both equally responsible for it.

  • 👎
    Low - rated users

    I am able to keep everything in one place with due dates! I love that I can assign due dates and times!.None mentioned.

Asana Plan

Asana offers a free basic version and paid premium and business versions with additional features, starting at $10.99 per user per month.
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