
Not Claimed

Basecamp is a collaboration tool used by thousands of teams worldwide to work on projects, communicate, and organize work. It allows teams to collaborate on documents, schedule projects, and more without meetings or emails. Basecamp has thousands of positive reviews and offers a free trial.
Suitable for enterprise
HQ Location
Chicago, IL
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Collaboration

    Allows for easy collaboration among team members

  • Ease of use

    Simple and intuitive interface

  • Project management

    Comprehensive project management tools

  • Limited customization

    Limited ability to customize features

  • Pricing

    Pricing can be expensive for larger teams

  • No time tracking

    Lacks time tracking functionality

  • Opportunity to integrate with other tools
  • Opportunity to improve mobile app functionality
  • Opportunity to add more features to stay competitive
  • Competition from other project management tools
  • Potential security threats and data breaches
  • Difficulty in getting users to adopt the tool

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Review Distribution

  • 👍
    High - rated users

    Basecamp is easy to use and manage, and has a simple interface.No negative reviews were provided for this segment.

  • 🤔
    Average - rated users

    No positive reviews were provided for this segment.The app seems confusing and there are multiple release versions. Additionally, the developers have caused problems and engaged in unprofessional behavior.

  • 👎
    Low - rated users

    Basecamp is simple and straightforward to use.The chat application could be improved and lacks features compared to other chat apps like MS Teams or Google Chat.


Basecamp d0b237d3-3338-4555-9453-93b8ae5e0047.png Basecamp 1e0db8f9-ae17-440d-af9b-ab94df093e51.png Basecamp 530d403c-6451-4f83-8b4a-58678a4a5c87.png Basecamp d8329f91-7979-436d-a650-8c1cddd3b0f8.png Basecamp 13a7a0a3-bd90-442f-a572-7d5e6acf1548.png Basecamp 5e50eba5-0cb0-47b0-bed2-0533c99d7a66.png Basecamp basecamp-screenshot-2.png Basecamp basecamp-screenshot-2.png Basecamp basecamp-screenshot-3.png Basecamp basecamp-screenshot-4.png

Basecamp Plan

Basecamp offers a flat rate of $99/month for unlimited users and projects, with all features included in the plan.
Basecamp per user $ 15 1 User (Unlimited Clients, Contractors, or Guests) Per Month
Every feature in Basecamp, including 500GB of file storage. Pay monthly with no contracts or commitments. Unlimited projects You only pay for employees. Invite clients, contractors, and clients for free. 500GB storage space Month-to-month pricing Unlimited Integrations
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