DashO – App Protection for Android & Java
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Product Information

DashO is an application hardening and obfuscation tool for Java, Android, and Kotlin applications. PreEmptive is a trusted global leader of protection tools for Desktop, Mobile, Cloud, and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. We help organizations make their applications more resistant and resilient to hacking and tampering -- protecting intellectual property, sensitive data and revenue.

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Java obfuscator and android obfuscator works best for me to provide security to my android application source code from unauthorised decompilation and extraction of code, malicious cyber attacks as well as cracking of functions of the application. Other than that, it provides optimization and refactoring of my code by removing unwanted code such as unused methods, functions, variables etc. Also, it is very easy to integrate the obfuscator tool to my android application code.

The best thing is that the end user cannot obfuscate my code so that making some of the logic I have written uniquely to it. It has the capability to hide the user strings which are present in the code assembly so that no attacker can find the critical code patterns by checking the references in the binary file. They can’t break it even by using the time lock algorithm.

this is the excellent safety tool which secure the application of android .the best part of this application is that we can secure the data from hackers .this tool converts the data in the manner of digital codes that when hackers decrypted the information he get something different from the required data , which is the best one for safety of information.dasho converts the unprotected application into hardened application which is securly coded .this obfuscator makes the debugging of the data much more difficult.this application helps in watermarking , custom response to tamper , debugging and execution on rooted device.this is excellent application to secure piracy of data.

Java and Android Obfuscator by PreEmptive Solutions provide strict security to code and prevents exposing the custom developed code of the application. Tried breaking and looking at the code but this solution protects your code well.

DashO protects the apps in a very secure way and intelligently. It has various features to do so. The best features I like are Overload Induction to check the renaming of the variables, methods, classes, etc. The logic remains the same in the source code. It also provides advanced control flow feature. It destroys the code pattern which the de-compilers are using to create the code. The final code is exactly the same as the original but no de-compilers can guess the originally written code even by using high end technology. It has the capability to hide the user strings which are present in the code assembly so that no attacker can find the critical code patterns by checking the references in the binary file. They can’t break it even by using the time lock algorithm.

Easy to use obfuscator, the compiled code looks much secure, tried to decompile obfuscated code, but it was just some random line of code.i am relaxed.

DashO is an excellent tool to protect the apps in various modules like IP theft, Data theft, and more. It helps in making my application solid proof to make it nearly impossible for reverse tracking and bypassing the licenses needed for the application. It makes the debugging very difficult for the hackers and they can't do any rooting on my device or change the security alerts. It is like a prevention rather than protection. You can easily prevent your app from hacking vulnerabilities by using DashO.


Obfuscator for Java and obfuscator for Android is a cost. The functionalities they provide are definitely worth to charge that price; however, I believe that it can be made more user acceptance.

I think it takes time to build the whole project. I wish there was a hot reload or module caching. The only concern was the pricing model. It doesn't have a standard model and they will send you a quote for what you need. Therefore, the payment depends on how much use you find the features of DashO. It is important that they change their pricing model.

security is more important and this application is providing that , so there is no point to describe its negative area.

There should be well documented process available. Though the current approach is involved with steps, there should be a way for user interface to allow obfuscation. It would be good to have the features extended to android apps implemented via .net core and unity framework too.

I could not find anything to dislike in this tool. It serves the purpose it is created for. Only minor improvement can be in the overall price for the software.

Even though obfuscating prevent understanding the of code via stack trace or something else, but anyone can easily mangled with the obfuscated code and can impact the application. It would be recommended to get the patent of code instead.

It has all the features which I need. The only concern was the pricing model. It doesn't have a standard model and they will send you a quote for what you need. Therefore, the payment depends on how much useful you find the features of DashO.

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