
Not Claimed

Khorus is a SaaS software that helps companies execute strategy predictably by providing clarity and direction on strategic objectives, companywide engagement in goal setting, and weekly predictive updates for leadership. It serves as the organization's central hub for getting the right things done.
Khorus Software
HQ Location
Austin, Texas
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Goal alignment

    Helps align individual and team goals with company objectives

  • Real-time insights

    Provides real-time data and insights to track progress and make informed decisions

  • Collaboration

    Encourages collaboration and communication among team members

  • Limited customization

    May not offer enough customization options for some users

  • Complexity

    May be too complex for some users to navigate and use effectively

  • Cost

    May be too expensive for small businesses or startups

  • Opportunity to expand into new markets and industries
  • Opportunity to integrate with other software and tools to enhance functionality
  • Opportunity to develop a mobile app for on-the-go access
  • Competition from other goal-setting and performance management software providers
  • Potential impact of economic downturn on customer demand and revenue
  • Risk of data breaches and loss of customer trust

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Khorus Plan

Khorus offers a subscription-based pricing model with three versions, ranging from $49 to $199 per user per month, with increasing features.
Khorus Lite $ 0 per user
Our free limited-feature version for CEOs of companies of 25 or fewer employees.
Khorus Pro $ 15 per user
Our fully featured CEO software.
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