Floor Plan Builder

Not Claimed

Visrez Floor Plan Builder is a 3D visualization platform used by hotels, resorts, and convention centers to create and share photorealistic event plans. It is available on a per space/year basis with unlimited users and library objects, and there are no set-up fees. Event spaces that can be divided using the airwall tool are counted as single spaces.
HQ Location
Dublin 13, Dublin
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • User-friendly interface

    Easy to use for non-technical users

  • Customizable templates

    Allows users to create unique floor plans

  • Real-time collaboration

    Multiple users can work on the same project simultaneously

  • Limited features

    May not have all the advanced features of other software

  • Limited integrations

    May not integrate with all other software used by the user

  • Limited support

    May not have extensive customer support options

  • Can add more advanced features to attract more users
  • Can integrate with more software to attract more users
  • Can offer more customer support options to attract more users
  • May face competition from other floor plan software
  • May see a decrease in sales during an economic downturn
  • May become outdated if new technology emerges

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Floor Plan Builder Plan

Floor Plan Builder offers a freemium pricing strategy with basic features for free and advanced features for a monthly subscription fee.
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