Google Analytics

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Google Analytics is a free digital analytics tool that provides insights about websites, audiences, and digital marketing. It offers conversion attribution and testing tools to help companies build better user experiences and maximize their digital strategy. Google Analytics provides user insights to evaluate the performance of content, products, and more. It is suitable for businesses of all sizes.
Suitable for enterprise
HQ Location
Mountain View, CA
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Data Visualization

    Provides easy-to-understand visualizations of website traffic and user behavior.

  • Integration

    Integrates with other Google products and third-party tools for enhanced functionality.

  • Customization

    Allows for customization of reports and dashboards to fit specific business needs.

  • Data Sampling

    May sample data for larger websites, leading to less accurate insights.

  • Complexity

    Can be overwhelming for beginners or those without a strong understanding of analytics.

  • Privacy Concerns

    May raise privacy concerns due to the amount of data collected and stored.

  • Potential for integration with AI and machine learning for more advanced insights.
  • Opportunity to improve mobile analytics and insights as mobile usage continues to grow.
  • Potential for enhanced e-commerce tracking and insights for online businesses.
  • Potential for increased regulations and restrictions on data collection and storage.
  • Competition from other analytics tools and platforms.
  • Potential for decreased accuracy of data due to increased use of ad blockers.

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Google Analytics google-analytics-screenshot-1.png Google Analytics google-analytics-screenshot-2.png Google Analytics google-analytics-screenshot-4.png Google Analytics google-analytics-screenshot-3.png Google Analytics google-analytics-screenshot-1.png Google Analytics google-analytics-screenshot-2.png Google Analytics google-analytics-screenshot-4.png Google Analytics google-analytics-screenshot-3.png

Google Analytics Plan

Google Analytics offers a free version with basic features and a paid version with advanced features starting at $150,000 per year.
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