Groopit for Competitive Intelligence

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Groopit is a SaaS platform that simplifies how employees share and use competitive intelligence to build competitive advantage. It allows employees to share intel from various sources with just three taps and less than a minute. Groopit aggregates and delivers actionable insights in data feeds and views, making it possible for every employee to sharpen the competitive edge. It also offers an easy-to-use data access API to integrate intel into existing enterprise systems.
HQ Location
Seattle, WA
  • Collaborative

    Allows teams to work together on competitive intelligence gathering

  • Real-time updates

    Provides up-to-date information on competitors

  • Customizable

    Can be tailored to specific industries and needs

  • Limited data sources

    May not have access to all relevant data sources

  • Requires active participation

    Relies on team members to actively contribute information

  • May not be cost-effective

    Pricing may be too high for some businesses

  • Increasing need for businesses to stay ahead of competitors
  • Can be integrated with other SaaS tools for a more comprehensive solution
  • Opportunity to expand into new industries and geographic regions
  • May face competition from established competitive intelligence providers
  • May face challenges related to data privacy and security
  • Decreased demand for competitive intelligence during economic downturns

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Groopit for Competitive Intelligence Plan

Groopit for Competitive Intelligence offers a free version with limited features and a paid version starting at $99/month with advanced features.
Groopit for Business $ 12 Per Year
Up to 500 users 5 active data sharing workflows Slack, MS Teams, and mobile app integration API Access Single Sign-On Integration (SSO) Dedicated onboarding and customer success
Groopit for Business + Salesforce $ 27 Per Year
Up to 500 users 5 active data sharing workflows Slack, MS Teams, and mobile app integration Salesforce app and integration API access Single Sign-On Integration (SSO) Dedicated onboarding and customer success
Groopit for Enterprise $ 45 Per Year
Unlimited Users 10 active data sharing workflows Slack, MS Teams, and mobile app integration Salesforce app and integration API access Single sign-on integration (SSO) Dedicated onboarding and customer success
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